If you are in distress, you can call or text 988 at any time. If it is an emergency, call 9-1-1 or go to your local emergency department.

Workplace Mental Health

Psychological Health and Safety

Unlock the power of Psychological Health and Safety (PHS), a proven framework designed to cultivate optimal mental well-being within your workplace. By embracing PHS, your organization can cultivate a vibrant and engaged workforce, driving productivity and innovation while minimizing the impact of mental health challenges on your bottom line and brand reputation

Elevate Psychological Health and Safety in Your Workplace

Investing in Psychological Health and Safety resources for your workplace means investing in your team’s success. PHS strategies are proven to deliver positive outcomes for individuals and organizations. Discover your journey towards cultivating a healthier, more resilient workforce.

“The workshop provides the tools and resources to build off to help organizations at all levels of implementation of a PHS program. Thus, helping the people who really need it and that`s your employees.” - Course Participant

Why Invest in Psychological Health and Safety?

The significance of mental health in professional settings cannot be overstated. In Canada:

  • Mental health issues represent approximately 30% of short- and long-term disability claims.
  • The economic toll exceeds $50 billion each year.
  • Over 500,000 workers across Canada are absent from work every week due to poor mental health.

Investing in Psychological Health and Safety (PHS) programs for your organization is not just an investment in your employees’ well-being—it’s a strategic move towards reducing the financial impacts associated with mental health challenges.

Successful business professionals smiling cheerfully in a modern office. Group of multicultural businesspeople running a creative startup in an inclusive workplace. |

Our Approach

Evidence-Based Development: Our experts in workplace mental health and occupational safety leverage scientific research to craft impactful resources, programs, and services that are proven to deliver positive outcomes.

Delivering Tangible Results: We equip organizations with the essential data, insights, and competencies required to execute effective mental health strategies, fostering a culture where psychological health and safety are deeply embedded.

Champion the Standard: We guide organizations towards embracing the National Standard of Canada for Psychological Health and Safety in the Workplace, setting the foundation for a mentally healthy work environment.

Our Services

Training and Education: Our PHS training and education programs are designed to equip participants with knowledge, skills, and tools to embed PHS into an organization’s interactions and operations.

Workplace PHS Assessment Program: Our new PHS assessment program provides organizations with the ability to demonstrate integration of PHS through comprehensive PHS assessments and audits through our network of qualified auditors.

PHS Advisory Services: Tailored support organizations in developing and implementing robust PHS strategies, aligning with your organization’s unique needs.

Webinars and Speaking Engagements: Our highly sought-after team of PHS experts is available for webinars, keynotes and other speaking engagements.

Contact the PHS team directly at phs@openingminds.org to find out more.

Recent news & events

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